Table of Contents

The Temple: Its Ministry and Services
Alfred Edersheim

Chapter 6
The Burnt-Offering, the Sin- and Trespass-Offering, and the Peace-Offering

The Idea of Substitution --Internal connection of the Old Testament
Christ our Substitute --Progress in its prophecies--Messianic interpretation of the ancient Rabbis
Symbolism of the Burnt-offering --The burnt-offering: its meaning and character--How offered--The only sacrifice lawful to non-Israelites
Symbolism of the Sin-offering --Differences between it and the trespass-offering
In All Cases Repentance Was Necessary --Public and private, fixed and varying, outer and inner sin-offerings
The Sin-offering Differed with the Rank of the Offerer
The Blood to be Sprinkled
Symbolism of the Trespass-offering --The trespass-offering for a certain, and that for a doubtful trespass--Its meaning
The Peace-offering
What Constituted Peace-offerings --'Waving' and 'Heaving'--What offerings were 'waved'
Large Number of Priests Needed